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Schools / Latest Berkeley Lectures ( Add One )

Lecture 40: Male Reproductive System & Review
Posted in Berkeley
This lecture begins by finishing off the male reproductive system before reviewing the information learned over the prior course.
Lecture 39: Male Reproductive System
Posted in Berkeley
This lecture wraps up female reproduction by covering the vulva and breasts before moving onto the male reproductive organs. It discusses the ducts and glands of the system and covers the testes, penis and semen.
Lecture 38: Female Reproductive System
Posted in Berkeley
This anatomy lecture covers the female reproductive organs and their constituents. It talks about the structure of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, and vulva.
Lecture 37: Endocrine System
Posted in Berkeley
This lecture largely focuses on the remainder of the endocrine system, including the structure and functions of the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, and pituitary gland.
Lecture 36: Endocrine System
Posted in Berkeley
The beginning portion of this lecture continues Professor Diamond's coverage of the urinary tract, with additional information on the kidneys, bladder, & urethra. She then gives a general overview of the endocrine system, starting with the pineal gland.
Lecture 35: Urinary Systems
Posted in Berkeley
This continuation of Urinary Systems begins with the pancreas and its component cells. It then moves into an extensive breakdown of the functions, excretions, and structure of the kidneys,
Lecture 34: Digestive, Urinary Systems
Posted in Berkeley
This class covers a wide range of subjects, beginning with an overview of the anus and rectum before moving on to the tongue, salivary glands, liver, pancreas and jejunum.
Lecture 33: Digestive System II
Posted in Berkeley
This lecture briefly continues the discussion of the stomach before continuing along to the small and large intestinal tracts. It discusses the structure and functions of various intestinal components.
Lecture 32: Digestive System I
Posted in Berkeley
This lecture introduces the digestive tract, laying out the basic structure of the system. It describes the oral cavity & mouth, the esophagus, the stomach, and the layers of the digestive tract.
Lecture 31: Review
Posted in Berkeley
You've come a long way over the last 30 Interactive Biology 131 lectures. This class will help you review what you have learned over the duration of the course thus far, and is packed with images of the concepts.


Most Viewed

1. Lecture 03: Skeletal System II
1. Lecture 03: Skeletal System II

(This Berkeley lecture starts with an overview of cells involved in the skeletal system, from the overall structure of various cells to their shape, function, and identification. Then goes into the structure of the skull.)
Hits: 6676
Category: Berkeley
2. Lecture 10: Muscular System II
2. Lecture 10: Muscular System II

(Professor Diamond begins this lesson with the muscular structure of the abdomen, including the rectus abdominis and external oblique muscle. She ends the lecture with the muscles of the hip, including the gluteal muscle.)
Hits: 6675
Category: Berkeley
3. Lecture 33: Digestive System II
3. Lecture 33: Digestive System II

(This lecture briefly continues the discussion of the stomach before continuing along to the small and large intestinal tracts. It discusses the structure and functions of various intestinal components.)
Hits: 6625
Category: Berkeley
4. Lecture 12: Hematology I
4. Lecture 12: Hematology I

(Hematology is the branch of medicine that deals with blood, the blood-forming organs, and blood diseases. This discusses topics including plasma, multiple sclerosis, and erythropoiesis (the process by which red blood cells are formed).)
Hits: 6577
Category: Berkeley
5. Lecture 01: Organization of the Body
5. Lecture 01: Organization of the Body

(Professor Diamond begins this biology lecture with a piece on the human brain (using a preserved specimen), then launches into a discussion into the basics of the muscular system. Includes - functional types, muscle origins and insertions.)
Hits: 6575
Category: Berkeley
6. Lecture 06: Skeletal System V
6. Lecture 06: Skeletal System V

(This lecture discusses the functionality and structure of the lower leg, from synovial joints to the tibia. Also addresses common ailments of the leg, including arthritic inflammation. )
Hits: 6436
Category: Berkeley
7. Lecture 32: Digestive System I
7. Lecture 32: Digestive System I

(This lecture introduces the digestive tract, laying out the basic structure of the system. It describes the oral cavity & mouth, the esophagus, the stomach, and the layers of the digestive tract.)
Hits: 6423
Category: Berkeley
8. Lecture 02: Skeletal System I
8. Lecture 02: Skeletal System I

(This lecture provides an overview of the Human skeletal system, addressing such things as connective tissues, identifying regions of the body, histology, and how to spot the characteristics of bones.)
Hits: 6420
Category: Berkeley
9. Lecture 21: Respiratory System II
9. Lecture 21: Respiratory System II

(After the previous review lecture, Professor Diamond returns to the Human respiratory system. She provides an extensive look into the structure and function of the conducting passages, including the throat and bronchial tubes.)
Hits: 6401
Category: Berkeley
10. Lecture 38: Female Reproductive System
10. Lecture 38: Female Reproductive System

(This anatomy lecture covers the female reproductive organs and their constituents. It talks about the structure of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, and vulva.)
Hits: 6390
Category: Berkeley

Top Rated

1. Lecture 10: Muscular System II
1. Lecture 10: Muscular System II

(Professor Diamond begins this lesson with the muscular structure of the abdomen, including the rectus abdominis and external oblique muscle. She ends the lecture with the muscles of the hip, including the gluteal muscle.)
Rating: 2.85
Category: Berkeley
2. Lecture 4: What is Life?
2. Lecture 4: What is Life?

(Lynn Rothschild, Research Scientist at NASA's Astrobiology Institute Ames Research Center, discusses the need for an operational definition of what it means to be alive and attempts to hammer out a definition of her own.)
Rating: 2.82
Category: Stanford University
3. Lecture 10: Darwin's Birthday
3. Lecture 10: Darwin's Birthday

(Professor Lynn Rothschild and Stephen Palumbi, Director of the Hopkins Marine Station, discuss Charles Darwin's career, from his childhood to the end of his life. Naturally, the theory of evolution is also addressed.)
Rating: 2.81
Category: Stanford University
4. Lecture 6: Diary Equation & Higgs Particles
4. Lecture 6: Diary Equation & Higgs Particles

(Leonard Susskind continues elaborating the subject of quantum field theory, including, the diary equation and the hypothetical Higgs Bosons - the particle responsible for mass.)
Rating: 2.81
Category: Stanford University
5. Lecture 33: Digestive System II
5. Lecture 33: Digestive System II

(This lecture briefly continues the discussion of the stomach before continuing along to the small and large intestinal tracts. It discusses the structure and functions of various intestinal components.)
Rating: 2.81
Category: Berkeley
6. Lecture 2: Quantum Field Theory
6. Lecture 2: Quantum Field Theory

(In this lecture Susskind discusses the quantum field theory (QFT), a theoretical framework for constructing quantum mechanical models of systems classically parametrized (represented) by an infinite number of fields.)
Rating: 2.8
Category: Stanford University
7. Lecture 11: Life Beyond Its Planet of Origin
7. Lecture 11: Life Beyond Its Planet of Origin

(Rocco Mancinelli, Bay Area Environmental Research Institute, discusses how recent research has is expanding our understanding of how organisms can survive and evolve outside of planet Earth.)
Rating: 2.8
Category: Stanford University
8. Lecture 03: Skeletal System II
8. Lecture 03: Skeletal System II

(This Berkeley lecture starts with an overview of cells involved in the skeletal system, from the overall structure of various cells to their shape, function, and identification. Then goes into the structure of the skull.)
Rating: 2.8
Category: Berkeley
9. Lecture 24: Development Of The Nervous System
9. Lecture 24: Development Of The Nervous System

(This lecture goes over the classification of neurons and the terminology of neuron clusters before shifting into the development of the nervous system. It then discusses the development and divisions of neural tubes. )
Rating: 2.8
Category: Berkeley
10. Lecture 12: Hematology I
10. Lecture 12: Hematology I

(Hematology is the branch of medicine that deals with blood, the blood-forming organs, and blood diseases. This discusses topics including plasma, multiple sclerosis, and erythropoiesis (the process by which red blood cells are formed).)
Rating: 2.8
Category: Berkeley