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1. The Guilty Secrets of Palm Oil - Comments
Posted in Make A Difference
When the rainforests disappear almost all of the wildlife - including the orangutans, tigers, sun bears, bearded pigs and other endangered species. In their place come palm-oil plantations stretching for mile after mile, producing cheap oil - the cheapest
2. The Venus Transit - Comments
Posted in Astronomy
A site dedicated to the next Venus's transit
3. Everyday Stuff Under an Electron Microscope - Comments
Posted in Technology
25 everyday objects under an electron microscope. See the world hidden right before your eyes!
4. Mooning Mercury - Comments
Posted in Astronomy
This discovery image provides the first evidence that Mercury has a small natural satellite or moon.
5. Giant Feathered Tyrannosaur Found in China - Comments
Posted in Biology & Medicine
This discovery provides "direct evidence for the presence of extensively feathered gigantic dinosaurs".
6. Assange: Facebook, Google, Yahoo are Spying Tools - Comments
Posted in Astronomy
In Julian Assange's exclusive interview with RT he discusses everything from the uprisings in MENA, to his extradition fight, the Guantanamo and US Cable files, his relationship with The Guardian and The New York Times, global political youth movements,
7. First Images of Atoms Moving in a Molecule - Comments
Posted in Physics
Ohio State University researchers have captured the first-ever images of atoms moving within a molecule using a novel technique that turns one of the molecules own electrons into a kind of flash bulb. The technique has yielded a new way of imaging molecul
8. NASA's Cassini Probe Finds New Saturnian Ocean - Comments
Posted in Astronomy
While Enceladus has been familiar to us since it was first spotted in 1789, the discovery of its ocean, courtesy of the venerable Cassini spacecraft, is a whole new and possibly game-changing thing.
9. Programming Error Doomed Russian Probe - Comments
Posted in Earth Sciences
A computer programming error doomed Russia's Phobos-Grunt Mars spacecraft, a government board investigating the accident has determined.
10. Quiet Signs Of Love - Comments
Posted in Astronomy
A story about love and deafness
11. Internet Archive: Wayback Machine - Comments
Posted in Technology
“Browse through over 150 billion web pages archived from 1996 to a few months ago. To start surfing the Wayback, type in the web address of a site or page where you would like to start, and press enter. Then select from the archived dates available. The r
12. Two-Dimensional Glass - Comments
Posted in Physics
In the production a graphene, a sheet of glass only 3 atoms think has been made.


// Most Viewed

1. WWII in color: Rare photos from 1942
1. WWII in color: Rare photos from 1942
(Millions of poignant black-and-white photos have come out of the World War Two era, but it is not often that scenes from the deadliest conflict in human history can be seen in living color. Read more:
Hits: 45731
Category: Humanity
2. How Massive Stars Form: Simple Solution Found
2. How Massive Stars Form: Simple Solution Found
(The existence of massive stars — up to a whopping 120 times the mass of the sun — has long perplexed astronomers.)
Hits: 11785
Category: Astronomy
3. The Door To Hell
3. The Door To Hell
(In 1971 while drilling in Turkmenistan geologists hit a pocket of methane gas and rather than venting it they set it on fire 49 years later its still burning.)
Hits: 10980
Category: Earth Sciences
4. Mathematician Suggests Extra Dimensions Are Time-Like
4. Mathematician Suggests Extra Dimensions Are Time-Like
( space-time may have six dimensions, with the extra two being time-like.)
Hits: 5531
Category: Astronomy
5. Messenger Spacecraft About To Orbit Mercury
5. Messenger Spacecraft About To Orbit Mercury
(At 8:45 EDT NASA's Messenger spacecraft will fire its thruster for nearly 14 min. slowing the spacecraft by 862 meters per second to move into orbit around Mercury at a minimum altitude of 200 kilometers.)
Hits: 5331
Category: Astronomy
6. Building a Schizophrenic Computer
6. Building a Schizophrenic Computer
(To try to understand how schizophrenia affects the brain, scientists tweaked a computer system until it began to exhibit the same symptoms as a schizophrenic human mind. )
Hits: 4366
Category: Technology
7. New Photos Of The Sun
7. New Photos Of The Sun
(A new series of false-color images of the Sun released by NASA. )
Hits: 4351
Category: Astronomy
8. Earthquake Shakes Ice From Glacier
8. Earthquake Shakes Ice From Glacier
(The magnitude 6.3 earthquake that ravaged Christchurch, New Zealand, on February 22, 2011, also broke a 30 million-ton piece of ice off the Tasman Glacier.)
Hits: 4275
Category: Earth Sciences
9. Speed of Light May Not Be Fixed
9. Speed of Light May Not Be Fixed
(Two forthcoming European Physical Journal D papers challenge established wisdom about the nature of vacuum. )
Hits: 4266
Category: Physics
10. Parts of Canada Is Missing Gravity
10. Parts of Canada Is Missing Gravity
(Large parts of Canada has less gravity then normal, here are the theories why.)
Hits: 4188
Category: Earth Sciences

// Top Rated

1. James Webb Space Telescope In Danger
1. James Webb Space Telescope In Danger
(For years, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has been the most likely candidate as a successor to the legacy of Hubble, but now that has come under serious threat.)
Hits: 3489
Rating: 3.03
Category: Astronomy
2. Declassified FBI Reports
2. Declassified FBI Reports
(Here is a directory of FBI documents they were forced to release due to Freedom of Information Act.)
Hits: 3620
Rating: 3.02
Category: Humanity
3. Giant Propellers Discovered in Saturn's Rings
3. Giant Propellers Discovered in Saturn's Rings
(Giant propeller-shaped structures have been discovered in the rings of Saturn and appear to be created by a new class of hidden moons, NASA announced Thursday. )
Hits: 3584
Rating: 3.01
Category: Astronomy
4. Top 10 Microphotographs of Living Things
4. Top 10 Microphotographs of Living Things
(See the world from a new perspective.)
Hits: 3506
Rating: 3.01
Category: Living World
5. Memories Are Made Of This Molecule
5. Memories Are Made Of This Molecule
(How are memories formed? The question has perplexed scientists for years, but now it seems we're a step closer to solving it.)
Hits: 3497
Rating: 3.01
Category: Biology & Medicine
6. Post-WW ll Experimental Aircraft
6. Post-WW ll Experimental Aircraft
(After World War-ll was over the US and USSR were in a struggle for supremacy,here are ten amazing examples of aircraft that never made the grade.)
Hits: 3610
Rating: 3.01
Category: Technology
7. An Ocean of Plastic...In Birds' Guts
7. An Ocean of Plastic...In Birds' Guts
(Photographed decomposed bodies of chicks that have been fed plastic litter by confused parents.)
Hits: 3572
Rating: 3.01
Category: Living World
8. Colourful Pigs Evolved Through Farming
8. Colourful Pigs Evolved Through Farming
(Pigs evolved bright coat colours rapidly after domestication thanks to the human a penchant for novelty, a new gene analysis suggests.)
Hits: 3539
Rating: 3.01
Category: Living World
9. FLIP: Vertical and Horizontal Ship
9. FLIP: Vertical and Horizontal Ship
(This ship can float horizontally and vertically.)
Hits: 3567
Rating: 3.01
Category: Technology
10. Newcomer to Florida Keys is Unwelcome, Uncouth
10. Newcomer to Florida Keys is Unwelcome, Uncouth
(The non-native lionfish has caused ecological havoc everywhere it has spread. Now it has reached the Florida Keys.)
Hits: 3555
Rating: 3
Category: Living World